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Photo From: Mark Freburg - Album: Military Photos--People/Scenes

Description: The horrors of non-gender specific compulsory military service, as demonstrated by a series of photos showing girls in the Israeli military. Hmm. Frankly I am not seeing the downside. Uploaded: 7/6/2014 by Mark Freburg
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(2/26/2016) Robert Dimesky wrote: Everyone of age in Israel is invested in the security of the Nation...We hosted 6 month US R&R's for Israeli paratroopers in the mid to late 60's. These troops were under 18 years old....they fought and afterwards, were mustered out of regular service to spend time in West Hartford, CT, with people who cared deeply for them and their cause. Do not be fooled, these women are among the very finest trained fighters imaginable. They spend many years in acdutra, then spend many more years in active reserves.....always on call. Bob Dimesky
(12/23/2018) Mark Freburg wrote: This was clearly not in any way a criticism of Israeli military service, which I admire greatly. If anything it was praise, if couched in male admiration for the female that has existed since Adam and Eve. If that is wrong, give me back my rib bone.
(1/3/2022) Harvey Goldman wrote: This soldier has always fascinated me trying to figure out what her job is. From what I can figure out, the Green Beret and the wings indicate she is in Intelligence and is a qualified Paratrooper. That thin silver badge on her pocket indicates she is Medic qualified. All in all, I'm guessing she is Special Forces of some sort? She's also carrying a Tavor rifle, and because the photo is several years old, it kinda reinforces my thinking that she was SpecOps since most in the IDF at that time carried M16/M4,