'No Guns' Signs Come Down in Ohio
Signs reading "no guns allowed" are coming down in some Ohio stores and restaurants.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry said it is pleased to announce that two national chains -- Southwest Ohio Kroger stores and Perkins Family Restaurants -- have "begun removing discriminatory signs banning concealed handgun license-holders from their stores."
So far, at least nine national chains and nearly 50 other businesses have removed their signs and opened their doors to Ohio concealed handgun license-holders, the group said.
In a letter announcing the removal of the signs, Marc Teaberry, the executive vice president of Perkins Family Restaurants, noted that the restaurant chain has "numerous locations in Pennsylvania, which has always had a concealed weapon law, and have never had any problems." Teaberry added that the company, in posting the signs, had received "bad advice" from its attorneys.
Ohioans For Concealed Carry said it also has received reports that Kroger stores in the Cincinnati Division (which includes greater Dayton) had begun removing their "no guns allowed" signs.
"It is not yet known if this action is in any way related to the assault and robbery of a 70-year old Kroger customer outside a posted store on May 23," Ohioans For Concealed Carry said in a press release.
The group's Business Education Task Force says it has been working to "educate business owners about the facts surrounding concealed carry." The campaign includes a "do not patronize" list of businesses that concealed gun carriers are advised to avoid.
"Ohioans already are being forced to learn that businesses on the Do Not Patronize While Armed list are dangerous places to be," said Chad Baus, OFCC spokesperson. "Already, customers and employees at ten retail stores and banks on the list have experienced violent criminal encounters. And that's just the ones we know about."
Ohioans For Concealed Carry says it wants business owners understand that it's in their own best interests to remove the "no gun" signs -- and allow the concealed carry law to work.