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4/25/01 by Jeff Hoser Democrats continue to push for gun show purchaser's checks, citing shows as a major source of criminal guns. Pending legislation would limit the number of guns purchased per month and require all purchases to be processed through the NCIS system. If enacted, the latter would effectively make individuals' transfer of firearms to friends or family illegal. The U.N. is treading dangerously close to the line in its charter prohibiting interference in member states' internal affairs in its war against private firearms ownership. Claiming privately held arms are the cause of unrest, terrorism, and genocide, the U.N. would ban all private fireamrms ownership and require all rare and/or antique guns to be rendered permanently inoperable. It comes to mind, when the black tide of Nazism was poised twenty miles from England's shores, not only did the world turn to the US as the "Arsenal of Democracy", but England's cry for arms was answered by tens of thousands of U.S. citizens' donation of private arms. Apparently, in the UN's view, we no longer need fear domination by any armed group. Anti-gunners are on a losing streak, it seems. After a decade of hysteria, anti-gun propaganda and lies are falling victim to scholarly studies. Research and surveys are proving what pro-gunners have always claimed. Increased gun restrictions lead to increased crime. Australia and England, long touted as benchmarks by anti-gunners, are experiencing stratospheric rises in home invasions, and armed assaults.

Uploaded: 4/25/2001