NRA Will Appeal Illinois Decision Denying Right-to-Carry Outside the Home
( — Last week a federal district court in Illinois ruled that the Second Amendment does not protect a right to carry firearms for self-protection outside the home.
The NRA, which funded the challenge to Illinois' ban on citizens' ability to carry firearms legally outside their homes and businesses for self-defense, said the decision in the case of Shepard v. Madigan misreads the Supreme Court's Second Amendment decisions and will continue to deprive law-abiding Illinoisans of the right to protect themselves effectively against crime on the streets.
Accordingly, NRA will support an immediate appeal to the Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
"The NRA's legal efforts will not end until the right to carry firearms for self-defense is fully recognized throughout our land," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox.
Cox remarked that the decision also conflicts with a growing body of case law elsewhere in the country, where courts have increasingly recognized that the right to bear arms for self-defense doesn't end at Americans' front doors.