Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin Signs NRA-Supported “Landowner’s Hunting Freedom Act”
SB 1743 allows Oklahoma landowners and their guests to use lawfully possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for hunting as of November 1, 2012.
This legislation is particularly important as noise complaints are being used more frequently as an excuse to close shooting ranges, informal shooting areas, and hunting lands throughout the country.
Additionally, increased use of suppressors will help eliminate many of these complaints and protect hunting and shooting areas well into the future. Most important, it will help protect hunters’ hearing.
NRA-ILA extends a sincere thanks to Bryon Gaston of Major Malfunctions Munitions for his time and efforts conducting valuable suppressor demonstrations. Because of his support, many elected officials had the opportunity to gain experience with firearm suppressors in person.
NRA-ILA also thanks Miles Hall, Will Andrews and the helpful employees of Oklahoma City’s H and H Gun Range for making their range available on several occasions, allowing these instructive suppressor shooting demonstrations.