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Other than the .45ACP, what is your favorite cartridge for the 1911 pistol? (Thx TJP)
Poll Date: 9/15/2020
Which of these would you say is your favorite .45 metallic cartridge (excluding the .45ACP)? (Thx TJP)
Poll Date: 9/11/2020
What caliber handgun(s) do you currently own? (Thx HG)
Poll Date: 9/8/2020
Do you handload?
Poll Date: 8/31/2020
Forgetting practicality for a moment, what is one your true **emotional** favorite?
Poll Date: 8/23/2020
the civil events of 2020 (specifically) have made guns and ammunition more difficult to find
Poll Date: 8/16/2020
I mostly fish:
Poll Date: 8/16/2020
Where do you MAINLY fish?
Poll Date: 8/13/2020
How many examples of the SAME type handgun, say a 1911, a K-frame Smith, or a Glock, should one have?
Poll Date: 8/9/2020
Choose your favorite WEIGHT and TYPE fishing line (choose one from the top four, one from the bottom three)[Thx KF]
Poll Date: 8/5/2020
When it comes to the firearms in my safe:
Poll Date: 7/30/2020
Do you carry a gun when fishing? (Thx, KF)
Poll Date: 7/27/2020
Which are your favorite types of fish to fish for? Choose two two types. (thx-KF)
Poll Date: 7/20/2020
What most closely represents your opinion on the .40S&W cartridge? (thx HG)
Poll Date: 7/18/2020
If you had to carry a 1911 for self-defense, which of the following would you carry?
Poll Date: 7/13/2020
Which Smith & Wesson handguns do you most prefer?
Poll Date: 7/3/2020
How close is the USA to an open, armed civil conflict between conservatives and liberals/socialists?
Poll Date: 6/26/2020
With 2020 being very unusual in terms of the virus scare and riots over racial injustice, have you *seriously* changed your ammunition stockpiling habits?
Poll Date: 6/19/2020
Do you own firearms you have not fired?
Poll Date: 6/13/2020
Do you have an "I Want" List of guns?
Poll Date: 6/6/2020