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For me, the ideal big game hunting firearm is a:
Poll Date: 8/26/2024
What do you think of the Smith & Wesson Model 1854 lever action rifle?
Poll Date: 8/21/2024
NRA wrote up the *new* blue steel Colt Python this month. What is your reaction?
Poll Date: 7/30/2024
What is the finish on your primary carry gun?
Poll Date: 6/25/2024
Do you own any surplus United States military firearms? Check all that apply.
Poll Date: 6/7/2024
Do you ever "buy again" the same gun(s) you've previously owned, but later traded or sold?
Poll Date: 5/7/2024
Do you own a Browning Hi-Power?
Poll Date: 4/17/2024
With bolt rifles, do you prefer push feed or a controlled feed? (Thanks Robert!)
Poll Date: 4/8/2024
What was your first rifle, including rimfires? (Thanks to Robert B.)
Poll Date: 3/20/2024
Robert B asks: Did you start your shooting life off with a Daisy BB Gun? (Thanks, Robert)
Poll Date: 3/14/2024
Handloading Poll
Poll Date: 3/2/2024
Do you own .45ACP Handguns? (thanks Harvey G.)
Poll Date: 2/11/2024
Do you now own or have you ever owned any of the following classic handguns?
Poll Date: 1/30/2024
Which type of handgun do youu prefer?
Poll Date: 12/26/2023
Do you have types or brands or models of guns which you collect?
Poll Date: 11/6/2023
If you had just one choice for a .22 "Plinking" rifle, which would you choose (Thanks to Harvey G):
Poll Date: 10/19/2023
Assume you are a young American soldier in 1942 about to go to war. Knowing what you know now, which long gun of the following would you choose to carry, IF each was an option?
Poll Date: 8/11/2023
Assume you are a young American soldier in 1917, about to go to war. Knowing what you know now, which rifle of the following would you choose, if each was an option?
Poll Date: 8/3/2023
Have you ever shot a firearm in an of the following calibers? (Thanks to Harvey G.)
Poll Date: 6/23/2023
I own the following chambered revolvers, not including "my revolver also will take this other round":
Poll Date: 6/16/2023