
Poll Results

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Question: Do you own .45ACP Handguns? (thanks Harvey G.)
      Multiple Choice Poll - up to 6 choices.
I own 1911-type handguns - 27% (13)
I've never owned 1911-type handguns - 4% (2)
I previously owned 1911-type handguns but not currently - 4% (2)
I own other type .45ACP pistols - 14% (7)
I've never owned other types of .45ACP pistols - 6% (3)
I previously owned other type .45ACP pistols but not currently - 12% (6)
I own .45ACP revolvers (do not include .45 Colt convertibles here) - 6% (3)
I've never owned .45ACP revolvers - 20% (10)
I've owned .45ACP revolvers but not currently - 2% (1)
I have no interest in .45ACP handguns - 4% (2)
Total Voters: 19
Total Selections: 49
Poll Opened: 2/11/2024 2:53:40 PM